Sesebelisoa sa Matšeliso a Phatlalatso ea DCM
Huanet optical compensation function with the slope dispersion pusenses for standard single-mode faeba can DCM (G.652) ba ne ba hasane le qhalakana moepa matšeliso a pharaletseng a sehlopha sa C-sehlopha, lumella tsamaiso ea ho optimize masala a hasana.Ka boleng ba matšeliso a phalliso ea 1545nm wavelength dispersion e ka fihla -2070ps / nm.
DCM e fana ka boemo bo phahameng ba matšeliso a phano le kotlo e tlase haholo ea tahlehelo ea ho kenya.Ba fana ka matšeliso a mabe a phahamiso holim'a C-Band e felletseng e nang le katoloso ea sebaka se fihlang ho 120 km. Mosebetsi Matšeliso a phano ea tsamaiso ea DWDM le phallo e tlase ea masala a Broadband Matšeliso a Phahamiso le Matšeliso a Moepa oa Phatlalatso E fumanwe ka puseletso e itseng ya ho hasana ha wavelength, e lokela ho kgotsofatsa kamano e latelang: DTF × LTF + DDCF × LDCF = 0 DTF: phetiso ea faeba hasane; LTF: bolelele ba fiber ea phetiso; DDCF: ho hasana ha phallo ho lefella fiber ea optical; LDCF: puseletso puseletso bolelele faeba; Puseletso ea letsoapo la ho hasana sehlopheng, e lokela ho khotsofatsa likamano tse latelang: STF × LTF + SDCF × LDCF = 0 STF: ho hasana ha fiber ea phetiso; SDCF: ho hasana ha khasano ho lefella fiber ea optical Ho ea ka likamano tse peli tse ka holimo li ile tsa fumana matšeliso a phalliso le moepa oa ho hasana puseletso, e lokela ho khotsofatsa kamano e latelang: RDSDCF = SDCF / DDCF = STF / DTF Ho nka fiber e le 'ngoe e tloaelehileng ho 1545nm wavelength ho hasana ha 16.7ps / nm / km, letsoapo la ho hasana la 0.060 ps / nm2 / km, RDS e ka bang 0.0036nm﹣1.
G.652 fiber C-band 100% puseletso ea moepa (boleng bo tloaelehileng)
Tahlehelo e tlase ea ho kenya
Phatlalatso e tlase ea mokhoa oa polarization
Lipontšo tsa ts'ebetso ka Telcordia GR-2854-CORE setifikeiti se tloaelehileng
Ho tšepahala ka Telcordia GR-1221-CORE setifikeiti se tloaelehileng
Paramethara ea ts'ebetso Paramethara Mho. Mselepe. BrillouinScatteringThreshold (dBm) 6 - E se nang moeliCe sebetsang hantle (n2/Aeff) (W-1) - 1.4*10-9 E sebetsa hantleArea (Aeff)@1550nm (um2) 20 - BoholoInputPmatla (dBm) 23 Ho sebetsaTEmperatureRbohale -5 ℃ 70 ℃ PolokeloTEmperatureRbohale -40 ℃ 85℃ LelokoHumidity <85% Tikoloho /Rho lekanaTesting Latela maemo a Telcordia GR-2854 le GR-1221 Boholo (mm) 482.6(W) x 350(D) x 43.6(H) Ho Odara Boitsebiso
Paramethara DCM-20 DCM-40 DCM-60 DCM-80 DCM-100 DCM-120 Bohole bo Leselitsoeng (km) 20 40 60 80 100 120 1545nmDispersion (ps/nm) -340+/-10 -670+/-20 -1000+/-30 -1340+/-40 -1680+/-50 -2010+/-60 1545nmRelativeDpherekanoSlope (nm-1) 0.0036 +/- 10% Tahlehelo ea ho Kena (dB) ≤3.3 ≤4.7 ≤6.4 ≤8.0 ≤9.5 ≤11.0 Tahlehelo ea Kenyeletso (mofuta) (dB) 2.7 4.0 5.4 6.7 8.0 9.3 PolarizationModeDispersion (ps) ≤0.6 ≤0.7 ≤0.8 ≤0.9 ≤1.0 ≤1.1 PolarizationModeDispersion (mofuta) (ps) 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 PolarizationDe ikemetsengLoss (dB) ≤0.1 ≤0.1 ≤0.1 ≤0.1 ≤0.1 ≤0.1
HUA6000SeriesChassis ke motheo oa ho tsamaisa le ho tsamaisaHUANETmulti-service mix-media tharollo. HUA6000 Series ChassisOboikhethelo CH04Chassis: 482.5(W) x 350(D) x 44.5(H) mm 1U 19-inch chassis 1 sekotjana sa taolo ea marang-rang Libaka tse 3 tsa litšebeletso tsa bokahohle CH08Chassis: 482.5(W) x 350(D) x 89(H) mm 2U 19-inch chassis 1 sekotjana sa taolo ea marang-rang Libaka tse 7 tsa litšebeletso tsa bokahohle CH20Chassis: 482.5(W) x 350(D) x 222.5(H) mm 5U 19-inch chassis 1 sekotjana sa taolo ea marang-rang Libaka tse 19 tsa litšebeletso tsa bokahohle MatlaCho qala: 1U <120W, 2U <200W,5U<400W Ts'ehetsa SNMP, Web, CLI mekhoa e mengata ea taolo ea marang-rang Ts'ehetsa ts'ireletso ea phepelo ea phepelo e 'meli ea phepelo ea motlakase, Ts'ehetso ea phepelo ea Motlakase AC: 220V / DC: -48V boikhethelo HUA6000SeriesChassis e tšehetsa ho kopanya litšebeletso tse ngata: 100G Transponder 100G OEO 2x100G ho isa ho 200GMexponder 25G OEO 4/8/16Channel CWDM MUX/DEMUX 4x25G ho isa ho 100GMexponder 2x10G OCP Transponder 4x10G SFP+ Transponder Khokahano ea 8×1.25G 10G Muxponder Karete ea EDFA Lisebelisoa Telecom Tharollo ea phetisetso ea HUA DWDM
4/8/16/40/48Channel DWDM MUX/DEMUX, kapa Karete ea OADM OLPOpticalLineProtection
Setsi sa data
5G Marang-rang
Long Haul Network
Fiber optical network
Boemo ba lithaka tsa DWDM
DWDM chain network case
DWDM+OLP Optical line tshireletso Nyeoe
DWDM Ring netweke case
DWDM single fiber bidirectional networking case
DWDM tharollo ea sebaka se selelele