Quidway S5300 Series Gigabit Hloov
Quidway S5300 series gigabit keyboards (tom qab no hu ua S5300s) yog cov cim tshiab Ethernet gigabit keyboards tsim los ntawm Huawei kom ua tau raws li qhov yuav tsum tau muaj rau kev siv high-bandwidth thiab Ethernet multi-service convergence, muab Ethernet muaj zog ua haujlwm rau cov neeg nqa khoom thiab cov neeg siv khoom lag luam.Raws li lub cim tshiab ntawm kev ua haujlwm siab kho vajtse thiab Huawei Versatile Routing Platform (VRP) software, S5300 nta lub peev xwm loj thiab gigabit interfaces ntawm qhov siab ceev, muab 10G uplinks, ntsib cov neeg siv khoom xav tau rau 1G thiab 10G uplink cov khoom siv siab ceev.S5300 tuaj yeem ua tau raws li qhov yuav tsum tau muaj ntawm ntau qhov xwm txheej xws li kev pabcuam kev sib koom ua ke ntawm tsev kawm ntawv network thiab intranets, nkag mus rau IDC ntawm tus nqi ntawm 1000 Mbit / s, thiab nkag mus rau cov khoos phis tawj ntawm tus nqi ntawm 1000 Mbit / s ntawm intranets.Lub S5300 yog cov khoom siv zoo li lub cev nrog lub chassis ntawm 1 U siab.S5300 series tau muab faib ua SI (tus qauv) thiab EI (txhim kho) qauv.Lub S5300 ntawm SI version txhawb nqa txheej 2 ua haujlwm thiab txheej txheej 3 yooj yim, thiab S5300 ntawm EI version txhawb nqa cov txheej txheem nyuaj thiab kev pabcuam nplua nuj.Cov qauv ntawm S5300 muaj xws li S5324TP-SI, S5328C-SI, S5328C-EI, S5328C-EI-24S, S5348TP-SI, S5352C-SI, S5352C-EI, S5324TP- PWR-SI, S5328C- -PWR-EI, S5348TP-PWR-SI, S5352C-PWR-SI, and S5352C-PWR-EI.

Quidway S5300 series gigabit keyboards (tom qab no hu ua S5300s) yog cov cim tshiab Ethernet gigabit keyboards tsim los ntawm Huawei kom ua tau raws li qhov yuav tsum tau muaj rau kev siv high-bandwidth thiab Ethernet multi-service convergence, muab Ethernet muaj zog ua haujlwm rau cov neeg nqa khoom thiab cov neeg siv khoom lag luam.Raws li lub cim tshiab ntawm kev ua haujlwm siab kho vajtse thiab Huawei Versatile Routing Platform (VRP) software, S5300 nta lub peev xwm loj thiab gigabit interfaces ntawm qhov siab ceev, muab 10G uplinks, ntsib cov neeg siv khoom xav tau rau 1G thiab 10G uplink cov khoom siv siab ceev.S5300 tuaj yeem ua tau raws li qhov yuav tsum tau muaj ntawm ntau qhov xwm txheej xws li kev pabcuam kev sib koom ua ke ntawm tsev kawm ntawv network thiab intranets, nkag mus rau IDC ntawm tus nqi ntawm 1000 Mbit / s, thiab nkag mus rau cov khoos phis tawj ntawm tus nqi ntawm 1000 Mbit / s ntawm intranets.Lub S5300 yog cov khoom siv zoo li lub cev nrog lub chassis ntawm 1 U siab.S5300 series tau muab faib ua SI (tus qauv) thiab EI (txhim kho) qauv.Lub S5300 ntawm SI version txhawb nqa txheej 2 ua haujlwm thiab txheej txheej 3 yooj yim, thiab S5300 ntawm EI version txhawb nqa cov txheej txheem nyuaj thiab kev pabcuam nplua nuj.Cov qauv ntawm S5300 muaj xws li S5324TP-SI, S5328C-SI, S5328C-EI, S5328C-EI-24S, S5348TP-SI, S5352C-SI, S5352C-EI, S5324TP- PWR-SI, S5328C- -PWR-EI, S5348TP-PWR-SI, S5352C-PWR-SI, and S5352C-PWR-EI.
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